Giant Sets

Well, here we go again. You did not ask for this, but you are still going to get it! 

This is the ultimate protocol for complete muscle fiber destruction. This brings on an important question, why would we want to destroy muscles? 

Because we can. Since we can destroy muscles, we therefore have to destroy muscles. The meaning behind training, and probably life, is that when we have the opportunity to do something like this, it means we have to do it. This is the burden of ambition. We are aware of what we could be when we understand what we have to do. We may have a goal of looking better or feeling better, but that's not the meaning of training. We train because we seek shared experiences and that is forged in the eternal flames of complete muscle destruction.

Imagine right now that your quad muscle is the Berlin Wall. Your quad represents the line between what you are and what you want to be. Your quad is a symbol of oppression and a clear obstruction to living the life that you are ultimately destined for. But that destiny is only achieved if you are willing to destroy that quad. You will have aspects of your life that will want to preserve that quad as is. Such aspects include: not wanting to be sore or tired, being able to walk up and down stairs, or not completely collapsing to the ground from loss of control of legs at a work function. Your subconscious is saying, don’t do this, keep up that wall. Unfortunately, no one ever said ‘Sick subconscious, where do you work out?’

We all know what being uncomfortable feels like, at least we think we do. We have reference points within our life at Allegiate of that feeling. Classic examples of this include EDT, German Volume Training, 6-12-24, Mechanical Drop Sets, Metabolic Circuit, or Post Fatigue. Mentioning those training blocks triggered a feeling of intense fatigue and questioning why I would put myself through that. At this point, you are unaware of what Giant Sets feel like. You have no idea of what soreness and fatigue feels like. Metaphorically you were hitting the Berlin Wall with a spoon during the above protocols, we are going at this wall with an excavator with Giant Sets. 

High level you are going to do 4 sets of 40 reps. DO I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION? Do the math that's 160 reps in the A series alone. That is triple the entire workout within Block 3! The reason behind this much volume is to tax every muscle fiber within the muscle group. The body wants to conserve energy when we exercise. It does not want to destroy muscle fibers. That's our subconscious denying you what you are ultimately destined for. You will think this is ridiculous after A1 of the first set. You will still have A2-A4 and another 3 sets after that. So you will have plenty of time to understand the true meaning of the universe. 

Giant Sets are the demolition crew, the metaphorical walls blocking your dreams. Put a down payment on booking your classes, pay for the demo removal crew by getting every supplement you can think of on the shelves at Allegiate. PA7, Aminos, Creatine, and Protein. You will be the version of yourself you could only dream of. 

We welcome change and openness; for we believe that freedom and security go together, that the advance of human liberty can only strengthen the cause of world peace. There is one sign the Soviets can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace. General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! 

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!

Ronald Reagan
