El Diablo: an allegiate right of passage

What is El Diablo? What does El Diablo mean? How will El Diablo change me for the better? 

The answer to all these questions is YES. 

In the weight room, El Diablo is 6 sets of 6 reps with a 6-second eccentric. But that’s not actually what it is. El Diablo is an Allegiate right of passage.

We have a couple of flagship programs we run every 18-24 months. You can imagine the feeling of excitement and joy when people when they saw 6-sec eccentric for 6 reps for the first time. That almost doubled in excitement and joy when they realized it for 6 sets. If it is your first time with El Diablo, I envy your child-like excitement this month. 

If you are reading this, you probably will experience El Diablo firsthand. There is no doubt in my mind that you will become a better version of yourself after completing this for four weeks.

This brings me to the most important part of this BTB: consistency.

To quote the Starks: Winter is Coming.

Allegiate’s version of White Walkers are holidays, travel, bad eating, buying friends gifts, returning gifts…

The end of November to the beginning of January is a larger threat to your fitness than a fictional frozen zombie that lives past a wall. (Not to mention that the leader was so arrogant. He was just sitting there exposed to everyone, knowing damn well one of them was walking around with a Dragon Glass blade that could jeopardize all that the White Walkers were working for.)

Anyway, when it comes to your fitness routine, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years day are as arrogant as the leader of the White Walkers. And we need to end this war once and for all. 

What is our version of a Dragon Glass Blade? How do we vanquish our most formidable nemesis?

Our best chance to beat the end of year inconsistency, is not a teenager that can shape shift to other people. It is a COMMUNITY. It is making a pact with other members by saying I will be in 530AM Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and 11AM on Saturday everyday in this block! It is making the commitment to train, no matter how sore or stressed you are. Not for yourself, but everyone around you. We lean on each other to take on the hardest part of the year. 

We are the Night’s Watch!

Everyone, including me, is in the same boat. End of the year is hard, and the first thing we dismiss is our health and fitness.

You have busted your ass since January. We are not pulling up on the throttle with training, El Diablo is no joke.

You can and will finish this year with a vengeance. 

Community is the least talked about ergogenic aid. We are social creatures that rely on each other to accomplish great things. 36 reps with a 6-second eccentric is only hard if you don't have a support structure to help you through it. Chances are you will know when you are traveling and what time will be incredibly stressful. Plan for that, avoid reacting. Get out in front of getting all 12 Team Practices plus 4 Practice 4s. You can do this.

Think of Jon Snow and what he went through, if he can do that we can work out 16 times in a month!
