What is Allegiate Team? 

Allegiate Team is our advanced strength athletic strength training program. It is unlike any program in the class-based fitness space.

Team leverages more than a decade of strength coaching in elite athletics.

  • Three day, periodized program rotates every four weeks between two blocks:

    • Accumulation Block (body composition, work capacity, conditioning focus)

    • Intensification Block (power, speed and strength focus).

  • Every Team member has an individualized workout profile on our ipads that coaches use to track weights and progress. This syncs with a mobile app so you always have your numbers and program tracked.

  • Designed for intermediate and advanced members.

Members and trials must be cleared to experience Team. Why?

In addition to getting you in the best physical and mental shape of your life, our goal is to keep you safe and uninjured during training. In Team, the movements and program design are more complicated and advanced.

Some people have previous injuries or don’t have the training experience to safely train in team.

We want people like you to have access to the same type of program and coaching that the best athletes in the country have.

What goes into “being cleared” for Team?

We determine what program is best for you using three assessments:

  1. Self-reported pain or previous injury: In the last 6 months, if you had a serious injury or surgery, we want to avoid putting you into a more advanced program. We always think long term.

  2. Force deck asymmetry assessment: The forcedeck is an advanced piece of technology that tests a ton of variables. When it comes to being cleared for team, we’re looking at the asymmetries in your lower body. If lower body asymmetries are under 15%, you’re less prone to injury. If they’re greater than 15%, you’re more prone to injury. It all comes down to probabilities.

  3. A coach’s in-class assessment: Our coach evaluates how you move during your session. We’re looking at your awareness in the weight room, experience level with the strength training movements, and if your ability translates to being successful in a more complex program.

At the end of your session, you’ll know if you’re cleared for team. Or if we recommend spending more time in our other programs.

What does the Team program look like? 

  • 4 week training blocks with 3 workouts per block. Blocks rotate between two themes: accumulation (conditioning, work capacity) and intensification (strength, speed, & power).

  • Progressive overload: over a 4 week block, we systematically increase your weight and intensity. This design will get you stronger, keep you safe, and prevent you from getting burned out. For example:

    • Week 1 = 70% max effort

    • Week 2 = 80% max effort

    • Week 3 = 90% max effort

    • Week 4 = 100% max effort

  • Total body strength training each session with a focus on mobility, full range of motion, proper technique, and strength & conditioning.

How often should you train to see results?

3 sessions per week with a day of rest in between. Proper rest is essential for muscle growth, losing weight, and recovery. 

For example, training days = M W F. Rest days in between.

Think: quality over quantity. Training 5+ days a week is counterproductive, inefficient, and you won’t get as good of results if you train hard 3 days per week.

Welcome to Team!
