schedule a functional movement screen

Expect the movement screen to take about 30 minutes.

We use this screen to get a clearer picture of your athletic profile, any previous injuries, and how we can best serve you.

How to book a Functional Movement Screen at Allegiate

  1. Select a date range below

  2. Make sure “All instructors” is selected under appointment type (not “black/gold”)

  3. Select appropriate location

  4. Select a time that works for your schedule (Doesn’t matter whether “Allegiate Black” or “Allegiate Gold”)

  5. Complete checkout. The FMS is free.

Questions or issues? Text us at 424-247-8279

What is a Functional Movement Screen?

The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is a 15min, 1-on-1 assessment with one of our Allegiate coaches. The aim?  To help us better help you. 

The screen identifies any restrictions, limited ranges of motion, and previous injuries you might have.  It gives us valuable information on what programs and movements will be the best fit for you.

This screen is an unbiased, un-coached assessment. Our coach will simply ask you to do a series of movements, each of which are graded on a 0-3 scale. Please note, we intentionally won't coach you during this screen because it's the best approach to keeping you safe. 

  • 0 = pain.

  • 1 = unable to do it with modification

  • 2 = able to do it with modification

  • 3 = able to do it without modification.

We use the FMS to evaluate the level of risk of putting you in a more advanced program with complicated movements.